PressFactory LLC Apps

U app for Jane Doe 1.0
A first in app minimalism.Be forever immortalized in an app!This app functions exactly as the U app ( the world's fastestapp ) :, this app is specifically designed and created for JaneDoe, complete with her own personalized icon and app name, asrequested by John. Get your own hyper-personalized apptoday.Please note this app will not appear in the google playstore but will be delivered directly to you*To get your own app or for more information please contact :[email protected]"no matter what...she is worth it"-- John Doe* Unless you want it in the google play store
Super Note Trainer 2000XL 1.0
Super Note Trainer 2000XL is the most effective way to learn tosight read notes
Golphus 1.0 Now with more Android App. Take Golphus with you onthe course
U app for Shmumpkin 1.0
A first in app minimalism.Be forever immortalized in an app!This app functions exactly as the U app ( the world's fastestapp) :, this app is specifically designed and createdforShmumpkin, complete with her own personalized icon and app name,asrequested by her Shmoopie. Get your own hyper-personalizedapptoday.Please note this app will not appear in the googleplaystore but will be delivered directly to you*To get your own app or for more information please contact :[email protected]"No matter what...She is worth it. Hi Shmumpkin!!!"-- Schmoopie* Unless you want it in the google play store
U app 1.0
This is the pay version of the world'sfastestfunctional app U (lite) and may be even faster. the pesky link ad in sent messages and textmessagecharacter limit*A first in app minimalism.U app, the world's fastest app, is the fastest way to say 'Hi'tothat special someone. Put the icon on your home screen and clickanytime for any reason. The app will automatically send apre-writtencustom text message by you to your one and only. Nomore taking youreyes off the road while driving**Please note that while it may appear nothing is happeningrestassured when you click the app icon it is working as fast asyourmobile carrier sends messagesThere are also personalized U apps. See here for current : about our hyper-personalized U app where the app icon isahead shot of that special someone ( or any image you send )andnamed anyway you would like*** :MomKarenBaby Bugga BooContact [email protected] information* Limit may also be imposed by carrier** PressFactory highly discourages texting and driving.*** 12 character max
Text Roulette 1.0
This is the premium version of themostdangerous game a phone can play: Text Roulette.The rules are still the same: Spin the finger dial.When the dial comes to a stop Text Roulette will load afriendlygreeting message to a randomly selected mobile number fromthemassive Text Roulette database then fire it off. From there itispossible to have a quick chat with someone from across thecountry,make a life-long text pal, or simply no response atall**.Premium features:+ Unlimited pulls+ No annoying ads+ Faster spinning finger wheel+ Larger database pool for more chances to make a connection+ Full screen removed+ Even more dangerous** Remember, be courteous and be safe should you receive areply.Never give out personal information. Text Roulette isforentertainment purposes only
Text Roulette (lite) 1.1
This is not your normal text roulettegame.This is the most dangerous game a phone can playThe rules of Text Roulette are simple: You spin the fingerdial.That is all.When the dial comes to a stop Text Roulette will load afriendlygreeting message to a randomly selected mobile number fromthemassive Text Roulette database then fire it off.From there it is possible to have a quick chat with someonefromacross the country, make a life-long text pal, or simplynoresponse at all**.Text Roulette is entirely a game of chance** Remember, be courteous and be safe should you receive areply.Never give out personal information. Text Roulette isforentertainment purposes only
U app (lite) 1.0
World's fastest functional app designed specifically for thatspecial someone
FistLove (lite) 1.0
The only way to FistLove.
Tanorexic 1.0
Tanorexic is the only pro-tana app providing UV data for yourtanning experience
Ultimate Insulter 1.0
Are you tired of being lost for wordsafterlosing an argument? Maybe you had one too many drinks and cannolonger think up a suitable come back from rejection at yourlocalpubWell fear no more...Ultimate Insulter has your backSimply slow down. Step back. Take a deep breath. Whip outyourtrusty "Ultimate Insulter" app. Then calmy call them a"PompousDouche Canoe"For exampleIt's easy and fun for the whole familyDownload today
B2BS 1.0
Our integrated, value-addingandscale-as-you-grow dotted lines inspire the standard-setters.Oureducated upside focus strategically promotes the stakeholders.Inthe same time, best-of-breed pyramids transfer the enabler.Theenablers make it possible by expanding boundaries, whiletheadaptive scalings globally strengthen the stakeholders.Our centralized and growing pillar genuinely transfersthesteering committee, whilst well-crafted challenges motivatetheteam players. The sales manager globally envisionsaservice-oriented effectiveness going forward. Aparallel,heart-of-the-business, idiosyncratic and trustedtimelinestructures our intuitiveness. The project managerinstitutionalizesa problem-solving and well-crafted social sphereon a transitionalbasis. A medium-to-long-term say/do ratio deepensastrategy-focused and solutions-based synergy on atransitionalbasis.Jump-starts your paradigm shift, while a top,genuine,multidisciplinary and intra-organisational appenforcesstrategy-focused accomplishments.
WikiToSpeech (lite) 2.0
From random Wikipedia article to speech read just for you
imgTL;DR 1.0
Text in an image summarized
MarkTheseWords 1.6
Just a good old-fashioned word marker...digitized
Flashlight 1.0
A dead simple flashlight by PressFactory